Officers and Board of Directors:
President/Director -Jonathan King:
Prof. of Molecular Biology at MIT, Prof. King has long been involved in advocacy for peaceful investment of federal funds. He Chairs the Nuclear Disarmament Working Group of Mass Peace Action, serves on the Board of Citizens for Public Schools, and works on the People’s Budget for Massachusetts. Prof. King leads the organizing effort for the campus forums.
Secretary/Director - Shelley Rieman:
Ms. Rieman is a bilingual teacher working with immigrants both youth and adults. She is the Secretary of the Cambridge Residents Alliance, and is a former Board member of the Cambridgeport Neighborhood Association.
Treasurer/Director - Larry Ward:
A former Cambridge City Councilor, Mr. Ward is currently a Cambridge Election Commissioner and active in many areas of youth counseling and support. He is the Director of the Cambridge Jazz Festival
Additional Directors:
Julia Burgess is a former director at the Center for Community Change and the Alliance for Healthy Homes (Washington, DC) and former Executive Director of Martha Vineyard Community Services.
Councilor Dennis Carlone is a Cambridge City Councilor. An architect and city planner, Councilor Carlone has also been active on national issues and was a sponsor of the Cambridge City Council Don’t Bank on the Bomb petition.
Rep. Michael Connolly is the State Representative from the 26th Middlesex District (East Cambridge and East Somerville). He has been an active advocate for affordable housing and public transit, as well as a supporter of the People’s Budget. Together with Rep. Denise Provost, he cosponsored the Taxpayers Information and Transparency Act that is before the State Legislature.
Dr. Martha Katz is a Clinical Instructor in Medicine at Harvard Medical School, active member Greater Boston Physicians for Social Responsibility, and supporter of Physicians for a National Health Plan.
Andrew King is a doctoral student at the McCormack School for Public Policy of UMass Boston studying public education issues. He formerly worked with the New York City Council in developing the City’s Participatory Budget Campaign, and was also a staff person for the 2015 Peace And Planet Conference held in NYC.
Jackie Dee King is a journalist who has edited newsletters for a variety of social and community organizations, including the Peace Advocate of Mass Peace Action and s “Neighborhood Voices” for the Cambridge Residents Alliance.
Richard Krushnic is retired from the City of Boston’s federal contracts office. He is active in the Public Banking Coalition, and is a key contributor to the development of a People’s Budge for Massachusetts. He is co-author of a number of core publications of this Institute, and leads the research effort for the People's Budget for Mass.
Prof. Lorraine Ledford is along time teacher of Spanish in the Harvard Extension School, at the Harvard Divinity School, and teacher of English to area immigrant groups.
Prof. Elaine Scarry is Prof. of Literature at Harvard Univ., and author of” Thermonuclear Monarchy”. She is particularly concerned with altering the current first strike doctrines for US nuclear weapons. Prof. Scarry led the organizing for the Nov. 4th, 2017 Forum on Restricting Presidential Use of Nuclear Weapons.
Patricia Maria Weinmann is Associate Director of MIT Radius, formerly the Technology and Culture Forum, a program of the Episcopal Chaplaincy. She has organized dozens of programs examining social and ethical issues in science and technology, and has long served on the Program Committees for the annual "Reducing the Threat of Nuclear War" Conferences
Legal Counsel for IPE is provided by William August of Epstein and August LLC, 875 Mass Ave, Cambridge MA 02139
Fiscal assets are on account with Eastern Bank, through their Central Square, Cambridge, MA office.